
(May 26, 2015) Updated on May 28, 2015

The European Parliament’s Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect has issued a news release announcing that during its next meeting it will exchange views with Mario Monti and Richard Murphy, as well as that it will have a panel discussion with representatives from multinational corporations. According to the information provided on the website of the European Parliament, the next meeting of the Special Committee is scheduled for June 1, 2015 (14.00 – 19.30 CET).


Unfortunately no Draft Agenda for the meeting has been published yet. Nor has the European Parliament made information available regarding which representatives from multinational corporations will be participating in the panel discussion. However, the Committee announced that it will exchange views with Mario Monti (former European Commissioner, former Minister of Finance of Italy and former Prime Minister of Italy) and Richard Murphy (founding member of the Tax Justice Network, Director of Tax Research LLP and journalist). Subsequently the Commitee will have a discussion with a ‘whistle-blower’. After which it will have a panel discussion with representatives of multinational corporations.


Unfortunately it is not known yet whether the meeting will be broadcasted live via the internet. And if so via which link such broadcast would be made available. We will update this article if interesting additional information is available. We will also update this article if we know whether the meeting will be broadcasted live on the internet and via which link such broadcast will be made available. So keep checking this article!


Update May 28, 2015 (15.45 CET):


As promised we herewith provide you with an update.


Based on the information now available on the website of the European Parliament Antoine Deltour is the whistle-blower the Special Committee is going to exchange views with during its meeting of June 1, 2015. Other persons with whom the Special Committee intends to exchange views are: Tove Maria Ryding (Policy and Advocacy Manager at Eurodad) and possibly Marius Kohl (former Head of Tax Service, Corporate Section (Sociétés 6) (Luxembourg Tax Authorities)). Based on the Draft programme of the public hearing the latter guest (Marius Kohl) still has to be confirmed.


Unfortunately none of the documents refers to or provides further information regarding a panel discussion with representatives from multinational corporations, which is mentioned in the news release.


Furthermore the European Parliament has made the following documents available regarding the following meeting of its Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect:

Click here to be forwarded to the webpage via which the European Parliament has made the abovementioned documents available.


Furthermore a link was made available via which European Parliament’s EPTV is supposedly going to broadcast the meeting live. This link forwards to a broadcast that seems to be on June 2, 2015. After some searching we also found a link to a broadcast that is seems to be live on June 1, 2015. Since we don't know which link will turn out to be the right one, below we will provide our readers with both links. However please be aware that both links state that the broadcast will start on 15.00 CET, but according to the Draft agenda the starting time of the meeting of the Special Committee has been moved to 14.00 CET.


Click here to be forwarded to the link of EPTV, where it is stated that there will be a broadcast on June 1, 2015 (and now it also states a starting time of 14.00 CET, so this seems  to be the correct link).


Click here to be forwarded to the link of EPTV, where it is stated that there will be a broadcast on June 2, 2015.


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