
On its website the OECD has published a jurisdiction-specific overview of the steps taken and choices made by jurisdictions in the context of implementing the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). Based on what the OECD has stated, it seems that the overview will be updated on regular basis. Therefore every international tax specialists should consider bookmarking and regularly checking the schedule.


According to the OECD. the overview provided by the OECD will show the current state of implementation of all committed G20/OECD member countries in a single table. Above the table it is stated that in case one would like to have more detailed information about the current state of implementation of the Standard in a particular jurisdiction, one will be able to access jurisdiction-specific legislation by clicking on the green tick (included in the table) relating to that jurisdiction.


The table contains information with respect to: 


Click here to be forwarded to the CRS table as published on the website of the OECD.


International Tax Plaza will also include a link to the schedule in its BEPS Library.



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