In this edition a.o.: Germany - Stand der Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen und andrer Abkommen im Steuerbereich sowie der Abkommensverhandlungen am 1. Januar 2015; OECD - Asia-Pacific Regional Network Meeting on BEPS Project – Seoul, February 12-13, 2015 (Co-Chairs Summary of Discussions); Ireland - Department of Finance Launches Consultation Process on the Potential of Taxation Measures to Encourage Development of Zoned and Serviced Land;


From the EU Bookshop:

Taxation - Promoting the internal market and economic growth (a publication by the European Commission) (A PDF version of the document can be downloaded free of charge)


Germany – From the website of the Bundesministerium der Finanzen:

Stand der Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen und andrer Abkommen im Steuerbereich sowie der Abkommensverhandlungen am 1. Januar 2015


From the OECD:

ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONAL NETWORK MEETING ON BEPS PROJECT - SEOUL, KOREA, FEBRUARY 12 -13, 2015 (CO-CHAIRS’ SUMMARY OF DISCUSSIONS) (The News release contains a link to the Co-Chairs Summary of Discussions and an overview of planned regional meetings)


From the Irish Department of Finance:

Department of Finance Launches Consultation Process on the Potential of Taxation Measures to Encourage Development of Zoned and Serviced Land




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