
On March 31, 2016 the HM Revenue & Customs published a truly interesting document. The document published is a Draft High Level Guidance on the Publication of tax strategy by Large Businesses.

According to the HMRC the purpose of the Guidance is to explain:

·        The qualifying criteria for publishing a tax strategy;

·        What a tax strategy must contain;

·        When penalties may be charged (including reasonable excuse); and

·        The appeals process.


The Guidance discusses a.o. the following subjects:

·        Scope of Legislation

o       Introduction

o       What is a qualifying Large Business?

o       What are the qualifying conditions?

o       Qualifying Companies

o       Qualifying Partnerships

o       Qualifying Groups

o       What is a UK group?

o       What is a UK sub-group?

o       What is a relevant body?

o       Companies in a group that do not have the same financial year end

o       Qualifying MNE Groups

·        Publication

o       How should we publish the tax strategy?

o       When should we publish the strategy?

o       Should I notify HMRC when we have published our tax strategy?

o       For what period of time must our strategy be published on the internet?

o       What if my business is no longer within the scope of the legislation?

·        Contents of a large business tax strategy

o       What must a tax strategy contain?

o       What do we need to publish about our approach to tax risk management and governance arrangements in relation to UK taxation?

o       What do we need to publish about our attitude towards tax planning (so far as affecting UK taxation)?

o       What do we need to publish about the level of risk in relation to UK taxation that we are prepared to accept?

o       What do we need to publish about our approach towards our dealings with HMRC?

o       Can CRMs provide clearances?

o       Can we include anything else relating to taxation (UK or otherwise)?

o       What about commercially sensitive information?

o       Do we have to say how much tax the group has paid?

o       What do we need to publish in the tax strategy if the group is a multinational?

o       Partnerships

·        Penalties for failure to comply with the legislation

o       In what circumstances is a penalty chargeable?

o       Types of penalty:

o       What should we do if we are unable to publish?

o       How will HMRC assess the penalty?

o       What if I don’t agree that I am liable to pay a penalty?

o       Appeals Process:

o       Late appeals:

o       Reasonable Excuse:


Click here to be forwarded to the Draft High Level Guidance “Large Business - Publication of tax strategy” which was published by the HMRC on March 31, 2016 as available on, which will open in a new window.



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