
On June 1, 2023 the European Commission published the key decisions of the June 2023 infringements package. The key decisions published include an additional letter of formal notice that was sent to Greece for not properly applying EU rules on second-hand vehicles purchased in other EU Member States.

A first letter of formal notice was sent to Greece on September 23, 2021 regarding its registration tax and environmental tax on such vehicles. Since then, Greece has extended the application of the environmental tax to new categories of vehicles. This environmental tax discriminates between second-hand vehicles bought and registered in Greece and second-hand vehicles purchased in other Member States, and subsequently registered in Greece. Consequently, the European Commission is now expanding the scope of the infringement considering the new modifications introduced in the Greek legislation. Greece has two months to reply to this additional letter of formal notice. If Greece does not act within the next two months, the Commission may decide to send a reasoned opinion.

The key decisions of the June infringement package as published by the European Commission can be found here.



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