On November 14, 2023 the OECD release the 2022 Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) Statistics. During the year 2022 the worldwide number of outstanding MAP-cases increased from 6.297 to 6.416. In 2022 2.493 cases have been started and 2.375 cases have been closed.


The 10 jurisdictions with the most outstanding cases are:

  1. Germany (1431 cases);
  2. France (1074 cases);
  3. Italy (942 cases);
  4. Spain (889 cases);
  5. Belgium (851 cases);
  6. India (697 cases);
  7. United States (658 cases);
  8. United Kingdom (650 cases);
  9. Netherlands (528 cases); and
  10. Switzerland (421 cases).

Interested in the MAP statistic of a certain jurisdiction? You can find those statistics by clicking on the name of the jurisdiction in the list below:



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