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Position Papers Dutch Tax Authorities
Dutch corporate income tax
International taxation
Withholding taxes
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Restructuring facilities and fiscal unities
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List of articles in category Withholding taxes
Published Date
Position of the Dutch tax authorities on the manner in which treaty benefits can be claimed with respect to a share buyback if, based on the capital gains article of a treaty, the levying rights are not allocated to the Netherlands
02 January 2024
Position paper of the Dutch tax authorities on the crediting of foreign withholding taxes withheld over rental payments for forklift tractors, trucks, containers and pallets
01 December 2023
A position paper of the Dutch tax authorities regarding the withholding exemption for Dutch dividend withholding tax purposes and the ‘residing there’ criterion
13 November 2023
The Dutch tax authorities published its position the definition of ultimate beneficial owner for dividend stripping purposes
12 November 2023
Position paper of a knowledge group of the Dutch tax authorities regarding the withholding of dividend withholding tax over the repayment of share premium
09 October 2023
Position paper of a knowledge group of the Dutch tax authorities regarding the withholding exemption within a fiscal unity
09 October 2023
Position paper of a knowledge group of the Dutch tax authorities on the question whether an open limited partnership can make a tax exempt repayment of capital if it has a net profit available
30 June 2023
Position paper of the Dutch tax authorities’ knowledge group on withholding taxes regarding a share buy-back against an uncertain future remuneration
21 May 2023
Position of the Dutch tax authorities on the question whether a Total Return on Equity Swap qualifies as a share buy-back for Dutch dividend withholding tax purposes?
17 May 2023
Position paper of the knowledge group of the tax authorities on withholding taxes – Position of the Dutch tax authorities if the beneficiary body is another one than the lender of the loan
16 May 2023
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The ECOFIN Council removed Antigua and Barbuda from the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes
The European Commission calls on Hungary to abolish its retail tax regime to comply with the freedom of establishment
The European Commission refers Spain, Cyprus, Poland and Portugal to the CJEU for failing to notify measures transposing the Pillar 2 Directive into national law
Amount B of Pilar One - The OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS releases a MCAA on the Application of the Simplified and Streamlined Approach
The CJEU rules that Apple received illegal State Aid from Ireland and has to pay an additional EUR 13 billion in Irish taxes
Australia and Slovenia have signed a Tax Convention
The Income Inclusion Rule (IIR) to come into force in Switzerland in 2025
The European Commission released a Draft Act laying down a common template and electronic reporting formats for ‘country by country’ reports for feedback
The European Commission opened a call for evidence to evaluate the Anti-tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD)
The CJEU ruled in Case C-39/23, Keva and Others (Free movement of capital – Taxation of dividends received by pension funds governed by public law)
Administrative cooperation in the field of taxation: the CJEU upholds the validity of various provisions of Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 of 25 May 2018
The European Commission calls on the Netherlands to bring its rules on taxation of investment funds in line with EU law
De Europese Commissie roept Nederland op zijn regels inzake belastingheffing op beleggingsfondsen in overeenstemming te brengen met het EU-recht
Rijkswet van houdende goedkeuring van het belastingverdrag tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, ten behoeve van Curaçao, en de Republiek Malta gepubliceerd