We kindly ask you to send your order to place a job ad via e-mail to the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please attach a text document (Open Office, Ms-Word, etc) containing the text you want to be displayed in the job ad to your e-mail. Please note that job ads on the website of www.internationaltaxplaza.info will be published in the text format Tahoma 10pts. Or just provide us with a link to the webpage of your company website on which a description of the vacancy can be found.
The following date should be included in the accompanying e-mail:
· A link to the webpage of your company where the original ad for the vacancy can be found. A link to this webpage will be included in the job ad that will be run on the website www.internationaltaxplaza.info. If there is no existing webpage, then please include clear instructions in the text of the ad itself. If an application has to be sent by mail then please make sure that mail address and name of the contact person are included in the text of the job ad. If applicants should apply by e-mail, then please include the e-mail address to which applications should be sent in the text of the job ad;
· The name of the organization where the vacancy is available;
· The date on which the ad should be published for the first time on www.internationaltaxplaza.info. (Please note that this date cannot be more than 7 days later than the date on which you send your order to place the ad to www.internationaltaxplaza.info).
· The standard term for which an ad is published is 3 weeks. If you want the ad to be published for a shorter period, please include the date on which the publication of the ad should be stopped in your e-mail. NB a shorter period will not lead to a lower charge. If you want the ad to be published for a longer period then please inform us via e-mail and we will make you an offer on what the charges will be for publishing the ad for a longer period.
· The country and city where the vacancy is available. www.internationaltaxplaza.info divides job ads in categories based on the country where a vacancy is available.
· Your own contact date.
· The complete invoice address (including the VAT number of the entity to which the invoice should be sent).
International Tax Plaza will do its utmost best, but does not guarantee, to have job ads that are received before ultimately 16.00 CET of a business day published at 09.00 CET of the following business day.
We trust the aforementioned informs you sufficiently. However, please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any further questions.
The team of International Tax Plaza