(August 25, 2015)

On August 25, 2015 an informal working meeting between German-speaking finance ministers took place in Salzburg. It was organized by the Austrian Minister of Finance (Hans Jörg Schelling), who invited the German Minister of Finance (Wolfang Schäuble), the Swiss Federal Councilor (Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf), the Luxembourg Minister of Finance (Pierre Gramegna) and the Liechtenstein Minister of Finance (Adrian Hasler).

In today’s edition: The Netherlands – Voorstel van rijkswet belastingregeling Sint Maarten en Nederland (om dubbele belasting te vermijden en het ontgaan van belasting met betrekking tot belastingen naar het inkomen en woonplaatsfinctie ter zake van erf- en schenkbelasting te voorkomen); The Netherlands – Memorie van toelichting op de rijkswet belastingregeling Sint Maarten en Nederland; The Netherlands – Kamerbrief inzake antwoorden op Kamervragen over brief Fiscale moties en toezeggingen; The UK – 7 ways the government’s making tax simpler for charities; New Zealand – Mileage rate for self-employed people and reimbursing employees; The UK – 490: Employee travel - A tax and NICs guide for employers (Business tax – guidance); The UK – HMRC VAT Partial Exemption Toolkit (Dealing with HMRC – guidance); The Netherlands – Beantwoording Kamervragen over belastingontwijking vanuit Griekenland; Ireland – Revenue eBrief No. 77/15 - Increased compliance interventions in the construction sector; United States – Notification of More Favorable Terms – Model 1 (Certain Alternative Procedures) (updated 8-18-2015)

In today’s edition a.o.: New Zealand Non-resident withholding tax (NRWT) (Interesting summary and overview published by the Inland Revenue of New Zealand); Germany – Körperschaftsteuerliche Organschaft unter Beteiligung einer Kapitalgesellschaft, an der eine atypisch stille Beteiligung besteht

(August 21, 2015)

The OECD has published OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 1254 – Improving public sector efficiency for more inclusive growth inLatvia. The document was drafted by Caroline Klein and Robert Price and also contains remarks/suggestions for improvement of the Latvian tax system.

(August 21, 2015) 

On August 21, 2015 the Government of Liechtenstein issued a press release announcing that the Austrian Minister of Finance (Hans Jörg Schelling) has invited his German (Wolfang Schäuble), Swiss (Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf), Luxembourg (Pierre Gramegna) and Liechtenstein (Adrian Hasler) counterparts for the annual meeting of Ministers of Finance of the German speaking European countries. According to the press release this year’s annual meeting is due to take place in Salzburg on August 25, 2015.

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