Last week there were 2 matters that made me wonder how useful Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be in the field of (tax) law. And more important where important pitfalls might exist by the use of AI in the field of (tax) law. The first was an old judgment of the Dutch Supreme Court that was published on the website of the Dutch Courts. And the second was a discussion regarding AI that I followed on a Sunday morning talk show on Dutch television.

On April 6, 2023 the Australian Treasury opened a public consultation regarding exposure draft legislation to introduce a public country-by-country (CBC) reporting obligation for multinational entities for income years commencing from July 1, 2023 and accompanying explanatory material. Interested parties are invited to comment on this consultation. The consultation periods runs until April 28, 2023.

Switzerland levies an automobile tax on the import of vehicles. This tax amounts to 4% of the import value of the vehicle imported into Switzerland. Since the introduction of the automobile tax in 1997 electric vehicles have been exempt from this tax in an effort to make these electric vehicles an attractive option. On April 5, 2023 the Swiss Federal Council opened a consultation on amending the Automobile Tax Ordinance. The consultation period runs until July 12, 2023.

On April 5, 2023 the Irish Department of Finance issued a press release announcing that on that same date the Irish government approved a report stage amendment brought forward by the Minister for Finance to the Finance Bill 2023. According to the press release the Bill gives legislative effect to the taxation measures recently announced by the Irish government, the purpose of which is to continue to assist families and businesses deal with high energy prices and cost of living challenges.

Sometimes you read something that even as a tax specialist you cannot understand. Not because you do not understand the law, case law or other regulations, but because you cannot get your head around the rational behind the regulations. This is what happened to us when we read the letter the Dutch Minister Health, Welfare and Sport sent to the Dutch House of Commons on April 5, 2023. In this letter the Minister answers questions raised by 2 Members of Parliament with respect to the 21% VAT rate that applies in the Netherlands to human germ cells (human sperm and human ova).

Op 4 april 2023 is op de website van de belastingdienst een standpunt van de Kennisgroep bijzondere winstbepalingen vpb gepubliceerd. In dit standpunt geeft de Kennisgroep dividendbelasting en bronbelasting antwoord op de vraag of wateren, zoals baaien, zeearmen en kustwateren, die zich bevinden voorbij de laagwaterlijn van de kust ook als zee kwalificeren voor de toepassing van de artikelen 3.22 en 3.23 Wet IB 2001, als deze wateren voor de toepassing van de UNCLOS gelden als binnenwateren en dus niet als zee, omdat deze wateren door de kuststaat als binnenwateren zijn gekwalificeerd en deze staat hiertoe bevoegd is op grond van UNCLOS?

Op 4 april 2023 is op de website van de belastingdienst een standpunt van de Kennisgroep dividendbelasting en bronbelasting gepubliceerd. In dit standpunt geeft de Kennisgroep dividendbelasting en bronbelasting antwoord op de vraag of het niet, of niet tijdig, voldoen aan de informatieverplichting van artikel 4, elfde lid, Wet op de dividendbelasting 1965 (Hierna: Wet DB) tot gevolg heeft dat de inhoudingsvrijstelling van artikel 4, tweede lid, Wet DB niet van toepassing is?

On March 17, 2023 on the website of the Dutch courts a very interesting opinion of the Dutch Advocate General was published. An opinion that, if the Dutch Supreme Court follows the Advocate General's opinion, could have consequences for taxpayers that are internationally active and that have loans payable and loans receivable outstanding that are denominated in the same foreign currency/currencies. In the underlying case the taxpayer and the Dutch tax authorities are amongst other disputing whether a de facto highly effective hedge is already sufficient for a taxpayer being obliged to use a coherent valuation of/hedge accounting for US-dollar payables and receivables for tax purposes. Or is next to the highly effective hedge a hedging objective or a business-economic link between the receivables and payables required for a taxpayer being obliged to use a coherent valuation of/hedge accounting for such payables and receivables?

Op 31 maart 2023 heeft de staatssecretaris van Financiën de kabinetsreactie op op de voorstellen zoals opgenomen in de initiatiefnota van de leden Van der Lee en Nijboer over de aanpak van Nederland als belastingparadijs aan de Tweede Kamer gestuurd. In de uitgebreide bijlage “Appreciatie van voorstellen in de initiatiefnota” (27 pagina’s) geeft het kabinet een reactie op elk van de individuele voorstellen die waren opgenomen in de initiatiefnota.

Between March 20, 2023 and March 31, 2023 the following four European jurisdictions published draft legislation to implement the minimum tax for large multinationals: Germany, the United Kingdom, Liechtenstein and Ireland.

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